| Agricultural Transition |
| SMSC Property in Fee / Trust |
| Residential - Low Density (SMSC land) |
| Rural Residential (St. Croix Rural) |
| Rural Residential - High Density |
| River A - Single Family Residential |
| Single Family Residential (Old Hassan Twp) |
| Transitional Development |
| Mobile Homes |
| Urban High Density |
| Commercial Office |
| Neighborhood Retail Shopping |
| Vadnais Center Land Use Plan |
| Minnesota River Quadrant (Commercial Recreation Business) |
| Commercial - Highway |
| Business/Light Industrial |
| Industrial/Business Mix |
| Light Industrial |
| Other Undeveloped (Industrial) |
| Utility |
| Civic Center |
| Institutional - Mdewakanton |
| Public/ Quasi-Public |
| Public/Quasi Public |
| Public/Semi Public |
| Open Space - Private |
| Open Space Restricted Use |
| Park & Recreation |
| Public Park |
| MUSA Extension - Park |
| Township Park Property |
| Wetlands (SMSC) |
| Permanent Agriculture |
| Rural Residential (1 in 5) |
| Saint Croix River |
| MUSA Extension - Rural Residential |
| Low Density Residential |
| Residential - Low Density |
| Single Family, Detached |
| Neighborhood Conservation |
| Village Urban Medium Density |
| Urban Residential Medium Density |
| High - Apartments |
| High Density Residential/Planned Commercial |
| Multi-Family Residential |
| Urban Residential |
| Office / Service Business / Retail Business |
| Hospitality General Business |
| Marina |
| Central Business District |
| Commercial - CBD |
| Mixed Residential Commercial |
| Regional Mixed Use |
| Regional Mixed Use - Non-Retail Focus |
| Heavy Industrial |
| Industrial Business |
| Minnesota River Quadrant (General Industrial) |
| Public / Semi-Public |
| Public Institutional |
| Semi-Public Facilities |
| Schools, Churches, & Nonpark Land |
| Natural Open Space |
| Vacant |
| Preservation Area |
| Park Preserve |
| Park and Open Space |
| Parks / Open Space |
| Parks/ Schools/ Public Open Space |
| Gateway Trail |
| Public Facilities, Parks and Public Open Space |
| Golf Course (Private) |
| Rail ROW |
| Railway |
| Private Airfield |
| Floodplain or Wetland Protection |
| Public - Wetlands |
| Agricultural / Open Space District |
| St Croix River Corridor Area |
| Rural Residential - Interim |
| One Acre Single Family |
| Single Family Residential (Outside MUSA) |
| Single Family Residential Semi-Rural (2 acre min) |
| Low Density Residential Reserve |
| Single Family Detached Residential |
| Low / Medium Density Residential |
| Very Low - Rural Residential |
| High Density Residential/Commercial |
| Multi Family |
| Multiple Family Residential |
| Office / Industrial |
| Places to Work |
| Commercial - Activity Center |
| Commercial / High Density Residential |
| Highway Commercial District |
| Marina Services |
| Mixed Business |
| Community Center |
| Downtown Mixed Use District |
| Downtown Village Mixed Use (MF-High/RET) |
| Mixed Commercial / Industrial (w/some HDR) |
| Mixed Use - Neighborhood Commercial Node |
| Mixed Use Commercial |
| Mixed Use-Office |
| Diversified Development |
| CBD/Mixed Use |
| Town Center |
| Commercial / Industrial |
| Transitional Industrial |
| Minnesota River Quadrant (Heavy Industrial) |
| City Property |
| Civic/Institutional |
| Public and Quasi Public |
| Historic Preservation |
| Conservancy (1:20) |
| Natural (SMSC) |
| Park and Open Space Private |
| Park, Public, Semi Public |
| Park-Open Space |
| Parks, School, Public Open Space |
| Public/Park |
| Recreation/Open Space |
| Golf Course (SMSC) |
| Small Golf Course |
| Right-of-Way |
| Roadway Rights-of-Way |
| Wetland / Open Space |
| Water Ponding |
| Agricultural Preserves (1:40) |
| Agricultural Area (SMSC) |
| Agricultural Research |
| Agriculture (Rural Reserve Area) |
| Saint Croix River District |
| Rural Residential |
| Rural Residential Growth |
| Urban Transition |
| Residential - Mdewakanton |
| Residential |
| Residential Low Density |
| Single Family Residential |
| Residential - Medium Density |
| High Density Residential (Pot Redevel Area) |
| High Density Residential / Office |
| Residential High Density |
| MF-Mixed Enhanced |
| Medical Institutional Campus |
| Office / Medium Density Residential |
| Limited Commercial / Urban Residential Medium Density |
| Planned Commercial / Planned Industrial |
| Retail/Commercial |
| Retail/Service (also includes office) |
| Neighborhood Business |
| Service Commercial |
| Downtown Commercial |
| Mixed Use Center |
| Transitional Town Center |
| Transit Oriented Development |
| Urban Neighborhood - Activity Center |
| Business Park |
| Planned Use (SMSC land) |
| Industrial and Utility |
| Industrial |
| Transitional Industrial - Activity Center |
| Transitional Industrial - Neighborhood Commercial Node |
| Medium Performance Industrial |
| Quasi-Public |
| School Facilities |
| United States Federal Building |
| Natural |
| Wildlife Management Area |
| Park, Recreation and Trails |
| Park/Open Space - Homeowner Association Maintained |
| Parks/Private Open Space |
| Public Park, Recreation and Open Space |
| USFWS Refuge |
| Proposed Park and Other Open Space |
| Semi-Public/ Private - Golf Course |
| Railroad Right of Way |
| Storm Water Pond |
| Agricultural Preserve |
| Living Area Rural Transition |
| Residential Single-Family |
| Rural Residential (Single Family Rural) |
| 4 Housing Units/Acre |
| Urban Residential (St. Croix Urban) |
| Single Family Executive |
| Low-Medium Density Residential |
| 2-3 Housing Units/Acre |
| Transitional Residential |
| Fieldstone PURD w/ Commercial Component |
| Living Area Rural 3 |
| Medium High Density |
| Apartments |
| Multiple-Family Residential (Twin and Townhomes) |
| Public-Institutional (HDR) |
| Neighborhood Commercial |
| Shopping Commercial |
| Urban Commercial |
| Community Activity Center |
| Destination District |
| PUD |
| Pedestrian District |
| Downtown Core Mixed Use |
| Mixed Business / Residential |
| Mixed Use - Low-Medium Density Residential |
| Mixed Use PUD |
| Residential Corridor |
| Business Campus |
| Business Commercial |
| Business Office Park |
| Commercial/Industrial |
| Industry / Commercial |
| Minnesota River Quadrant (Mining) |
| Churches and Synagogues |
| City Hall / Public Works |
| Public / Institutional |
| Public, Institutional or Utility |
| Public Semi Public |
| School Trust |
| Natural Area |
| Open Space Preservation |
| Undeveloped Space |
| Park, Recreation or Open |
| Parks Open Space |
| Recreation Open Space |
| Ft Snelling State Park |
| State Park |
| Vehicular Rights-of-Way |
| Airport & Airport Property |
| No Code (Seasonal) |
| Permanent Rural |
| Agricultural Large Scale |
| Rural Area Development |
| Future Low Density Residential (Assuming Sewer Capacity) |
| Low Density Residential (Future Chaska) |
| Living Area Rural 2 |
| Low Density / Medium Density Residential |
| Low Density/Medium Density Residential |
| Medium Density Residential (3-6 units per acre) |
| Medium Density Residential Reserve |
| Residential Medium (2.5-3.5u/a) |
| Urban Medium Density |
| Townhouse |
| Mobile Home Residential |
| Multi Family Residential (River's Edge) |
| Multiple Family Residential - Medium Density |
| Urban High Density with Possible Mixed Use |
| Office |
| Office / Residential Transition |
| Office Park |
| Office/Warehouse |
| Veterns Administration Hospital |
| Commercial Core |
| Commerical with Possible Mixed Use |
| General Retail Commercial |
| Highway Commercial |
| Local Commercial |
| Planned Commercial |
| Shopping Center |
| Rural Commercial |
| Mixed Use - Office Service Business / Industrial |
| Village Historic |
| High Intensity Mixed Use |
| University Mixed Use |
| Residential - Business |
| Industrial Office Park |
| Industrial/Office |
| Public - Semi Public |
| Government Facilities |
| Religious Institution |
| Restricted Development |
| Passive Open Space |
| Undeveloped |
| Park, Recreation, & Open Space |
| Railroad Tracks |
| Transportation (SMSC) |
| Developing-Post 2030 |
| Agricultural (4 du/40 acres) |
| Rural Density Residential/ Private Rec. Open Space |
| Living Area Rural 1 |
| General Rural |
| Residential Low Density and (or) High Density Residential |
| Housing or Industry |
| Medium Density Residential (PUD) |
| Residential (4-8 units/acre) |
| Residential Townhouse |
| Low Density Attached Residential |
| Medium - High Density Residential |
| Office / Business |
| Office / Residential |
| Commercial/Service/Office |
| Retail Commercial |
| Entertainment |
| Community Commercial |
| Minnesota River Quadrant (Highway Commercial) |
| Bottineau Blvd Commercial |
| MIxed Use |
| Lindau Mixed Use |
| Business/Retail/Office |
| Commercial/Industrial Reserve |
| Innovation and Technology |
| Public Industrial |
| City Centre |
| Institutional (Museum) |
| Public and Institutional |
| Public and Semi-Public |
| Private School |
| Conservation |
| Upland Conservation Area |
| Park |
| Recreational Open Space |
| Existing Parks / Open Space |
| Open Space and Park |
| Rural Estate |
| River B - Single Family Residential |
| Rural Residential Reserve |
| Residential Single Family Detached (1 acre min.) |
| Very Low Density |
| Residential Estate |
| Residential Low Density Office |
| Single Family |
| Sewered Residential Development 3.5 unit Density |
| Other Undeveloped (LDR) |
| Residential - St. Croix River District |
| Low/Medium Density Residential |
| Medium Low Density Residential |
| Medium Density Residential (Pot Redevel Area) |
| Residential Medium Density |
| Single Family and Multifamily Residential |
| High Density Res |
| Regional Medical |
| Highway Business/Warehouse |
| Limited Commercial |
| Community Retail Shopping |
| Downtown Village Mixed Use (INST/MF-High/RET/OFC) |
| Mixed Use Development |
| Mixed Use Planned Unit Development Only |
| Commercial Mixed Use |
| Community Mixed Use |
| Public/ Institutional |
| Public/Institutional |
| Other Public and Semi-Public Facilities |
| Other Public/Semi-Public |
| Bushaway Conservation District |
| Park, Recreation and Preserve |
| County Trail |
| Existing Park |
| Private Recreation |
| Metropolitan Airports Commission General Area |
| Public Water or Wetland |
| No Code (Min Den Res) |
| Agriculture / Open Space |
| Rural / Ag. Residential |
| Rural Density |
| Rural Developing |
| Country Club Estate |
| Very Low - Rural Residential |
| Low Density Residential (future Watertown) |
| Village Urban Low Density |
| Public-Institutional (LDR) |
| Residential Low - Medium (3-3.5u/a) |
| Residential Low - Medium |
| Medium - Townhouses |
| Medium-High Density Residential |
| Residential Medium High Density |
| Residential Medium-High |
| Mid Density Residential |
| Commercial / Residential |
| Limited Business |
| Planned Commercial Business |
| Retail Business |
| Downtown |
| Downtown Village Mixed Use (RET/OFC) |
| Mixed Use - Business |
| Mixed Use Corridor |
| Neighborhood Mixed Use |
| Gateway |
| General Industrial |
| Public-Institutional |
| Public/Institution |
| Public/Quasi-Public |
| Public/Semi-Public |
| Public/Semi-Public/Utility |
| Transportation (OS) |
| Bayport Wildlife Area |
| Park, Rec or Open Space |
| Parks and Recreation |
| Railroad |
| Public Right-of-Way |
| No Information |
| Agricultural Preserve General Business |
| Ag Preserve |
| Rural Reserve |
| Urban Expansion |
| Urban Reserve or Rural |
| Residential (1:10) |
| Agricultural Small Scale |
| Rural Residential - Low Density |
| Rural Residential / Agricultural |
| Country Club Estates |
| Residential - Medium / Low Density |
| Low Density Single Family Residential |
| Residential Low Density Residential Medium Density |
| Single Family Detached |
| Urban Residential Low Density |
| Existing Sewered Low Density Residential |
| Residential Medium Low Density |
| Assembly Grounds |
| Low Medium Density Residential |
| Medium Density Multiple Family Residential |
| High Density Senior Residential |
| High Density Sewered |
| Multi Family Residential |
| Multiple Family Residential - High Density |
| Urban Neighborhood |
| Commercial - Neighborhood |
| Commercial Arterial |
| Commercial Business - Downtown |
| Regional Commercial / Office |
| Downtown Mixed Use |
| Village Mixed Use |
| Airport South Mixed Use |
| Industrial / Office |
| Light Industrial and Office |
| City Hall/Public Works/Fire Hall |
| Institutional (SMSC) |
| Institutional Schools |
| Public |
| Public / Institutuonal |
| Nature Preserve/Open Space |
| Parks, Open Space & Recreation |
| Railroad ROW |
| Wetlands |
| Agricultural (1:40) |
| Urban Reserve |
| Urban Estate |
| Existing Unsewered Low Density Residential |
| Single Family Estate |
| Low - Conservation PUD |
| Low Density Residential (1-2 units per acre) |
| Low Density Residential (future Mayer) |
| Low Density Residential / Future MF Res Medium Density |
| Residential Low |
| Residential Low - Medium (2-3u/a) |
| Medium Density Residential (future Mayer) |
| Moderate Density Residential |
| Medium/High Density Residential |
| Multi-Family |
| Residential Multi-Family |
| Urban Residential High Density |
| Mixed Business Campus |
| Office / Service Business |
| Commercial Office Industrial |
| Transitional Commercial |
| Mixed Use (SFD) |
| Mixed Use - Neighborhood |
| Mixed Use - Regional |
| Signature Mixed Use |
| Drainage (SMSC) |
| Civic |
| Public and Quasi-Public |
| Public,Semi-Public/Institutional |
| Natural - Mdewakanton |
| Park / Institutional |
| Recreational / Open Space |
| Public-Institutional-Park |
| Regional Recreation |
| Railway / Utility |
| Vacant Unbuildable |
| Wetlands - Mdewakaton |
| Agricultutal Preserve |
| Rural |
| Minimum Density Residential (0-1 units per acre) |
| Single Family Residential (River's Edge) |
| Existing Infill |
| Existing Low Density Residential |
| Low Density Mixed Residential |
| Attached Residential |
| Residential PUD - Medium Density |
| Stacked Residential |
| High Density Residential |
| Multiple-Family Residential |
| Residential High |
| Office / Limited Business |
| Office/Service |
| Commercial |
| Commercial Recreation Business |
| Retail - Commercial |
| Rural Service / Commercial |
| Urban Neighborhood - Neighborhood Commercial Node |
| Mixed Use (Com or Ofc) |
| Mixed Use (Non-Retail) |
| Mixed Use (SFD or SFA) |
| Mixed Use Residential |
| Urban Village |
| Business District (Mixed Use) |
| Existing Industrial |
| Industrial (Pot Redevel Area) |
| Warehouse / Light Industrial |
| Warehouse/Light Industrial |
| City Buildings |
| Public Facilities |
| Semi-Public |
| Public Lands |
| Open Space |
| Outdoors Sport/Rec |
| Private Marina |
| ROW |
| Agriculture |
| Rural Preservation 4 acres |
| Rural Preservation 5 acres |
| Rural (1 unit per 5 acres) |
| Agricultural Core Area |
| Rural Residential - Medium Density |
| Conservation Residential |
| Single Family (0-2.9 units/acre) |
| Single Family Residential (SMSC) |
| Urban Low Density |
| Sewered Residential |
| Medium Density Residential |
| Single Family Attached Residential |
| 4-8 Housing Units/Acre |
| Manufactured Housing Parks |
| Mobile Home Park |
| High Density Multiple Family Residential |
| Living Area 5 |
| Highway Business |
| Community Commercial / Office |
| Village Neighborhood |
| Planning Area |
| Redevelopment Area |
| Business |
| Business District |
| Commercial / Light Industrial |
| Special Plan Area |
| Heavy Industry |
| Instituional |
| Institutional or Public |
| Public / Quasi-Public |
| Government |
| Park and Recreation |
| Parks and Open Space - Regional Park Inholding |
| Public Park / Open Space |
| Recreation Area Protected |
| Agricultural Preserves Overlay |
| Agricultural (1:10) |
| Rural Residential Growth Staged |
| Residential (SMSC) |
| Low Density Residential (0.5 - 2 units per acre) |
| Low Density Residential (future Waconia) |
| Residential (R3) |
| Residential (up to 4 units/acre) |
| Future Urban Residential |
| Low to Medium Density Residential (2-3 units per acre) |
| Living Area 4 |
| Medium Density Residential (future Watertown) |
| Multiple Family Residential - Medium Density/Commercial |
| Office and (or) High Density Residential |
| Regional Business |
| Lake Recreation Commercial |
| Mixed Use - Activity Center |
| Mixed Use C-1 |
| Heart of the City |
| Lake Village |
| Business Park / Corporate Campus |
| Tower |
| Public - Airport |
| School |
| Schools & Religious Facilities |
| Open Space / Wetland |
| Private Open Space |
| Township Green Space |
| Park Facilities/Open Space |
| Park, Golf Course, or Protected Open Space |
| Park/Open Space |
| Parks |
| Future Regional Parkland |
| Regional Park |
| Regional Park Reserve |
| Proposed Park, Recreation and Open Space |
| Railway Corridor |
| Airport General Area |
| Wetland |
| Wetland/Open Space |
| Urban Expansion (AG) |
| Agricultural |
| Undeveloped / Agriculture |
| Rural Agriculture Density (.45U/A) |
| Rural Residential (1:10) |
| Rural Residential (1DU per 10 acres) |
| Rural / Low Density Residential |
| Rural Density Residential |
| Rural Residential/Agriculture |
| Rural or Large Lot Residential |
| Transition Zone |
| Orderly Annexation Area |
| Very Low Single Family |
| Low Density |
| Residential Low (1.5-2.5u/a) |
| Residential PUD |
| Urban Residential (Single Family Urban) |
| Residential - Primarily Residential (Inspiration) |
| Very Low Density Residential |
| Living Area 3 |
| Manufactured Housing |
| High Den Res / Planned Commercial / Planned Industrial |
| High Density Residential (10 - 15 units per acre) |
| Multi Family within R-2 |
| Office/Research |
| General Business |
| Retail Business District |
| Community Retail Commercial |
| Larpenteur Corridor Plan Area |
| Places to Shop |
| Industrial / Park, Recreation, or Open Space |
| Industrial/Commercial |
| Light Industrial PUD |
| Planned Industrial |
| Closed Sanitary Landfill |
| Utility/Industrial |
| Churches |
| City Center |
| Quasi-Public Facilities |
| Schools |
| Open Space (Public/Private) |
| Public Open Space |
| Park / Open Space |
| Parks and Open Space |
| Regional Trails |
| Trail |
| Transportation |
| No Data |
| Agricultural Preservation |
| Transition Area |
| Rural Residential (1 unit per 2 acres) |
| Residential - Large Lot |
| Estate Single Family Residential |
| Farm/Res. Estate - Planned Res. Development (3 acre avg.) |
| Detatched Residential |
| Living Area 2 |
| Residential (R1/R2) |
| Rural Single Family |
| Medium Density |
| Residential Medium |
| Mixed Residential |
| Mixed Residential - Detached and Attached |
| Manufactured Homes |
| Manufactured Housing Park |
| Multi-Family (2.9 - 14 units/acre) |
| Residential (8-20 units/acre) |
| Commercial - Mdewakanton |
| Regional Shopping |
| Linear District |
| Neighborhod Service Center |
| Downtown Village Mixed Use (MF-High/RET/OFC) |
| Mixed Use |
| Business Residential Transitional |
| Industrial / Commercial |
| Industrial/Office/Limited Business |
| Minnesota River Quadrant (Light Industrial) |
| Waste Management |
| Institutional |
| Institutional/Public |
| Public and Institutional - Activity Center |
| Public and Semi Public |
| Public or Institutional |
| City Land |
| University of Minnesota |
| Rural Agriculture Density |
| Natural Features |
| Open Space / Fire Lane |
| City Parks |
| Park Open Space |
| Park, Recreation and Open Space |
| Park, Recreation, and Open Space |
| County Park Property |
| Indoors Sport/Rec |
| Major Parks and Nature Areas |
| Private Club |
| Railroad or Utility |
| Stormwater Ponds |
| Commercial Food Production (40 acres) |
| Agriculture- Research |
| Low Density Residential (1 per 10 acres) |
| Rural Residential - Permanent |
| Living Area 1 |
| Single Family Attached |
| Two or Three Family |
| 10+ Housing Units/Acre |
| Office Limited Business |
| Commercial / Business Park |
| Commercial / Office |
| Commercial / Suburban Residential |
| General Commercial |
| Neighborhood Commerical |
| Regional Commercial |
| Regional Commercial PUD |
| Community Business |
| Downtown Edge Mixed Use |
| Downtown Village Mixed Use (MF-Med/OFC) |
| Mixed Use - Low Density Residential |
| Mixed Use - Medium-High Density Residential |
| Mixed Use, Housing and Retail Business |
| Residential Mixed Use |
| Primary Mixed Use Redevelopment |
| Redevelopment District |
| Research & Development Park |
| Rural Commercial/Industrial |
| Planned Use |
| Transition Planning Area |
| Industrial / Utility |
| Industrial Open Space |
| Light Industrial / Suburban Residential |
| Limited Industrial |
| Church/Cemetery |
| Public/Semi-Public/Institutional |
| Semi-Public/ Private - Marina |
| Transportation (INST) |
| Major Institutional |
| Public or Private Open Space |
| Regional Open Space |
| City Park |
| Park, Recreation and Open Space (Big Island Veterns Camp) |
| Recreation and Open Space |
| Major Parks & Open Space |
| Minnesota River Quadrant (Railway) |
| Vehicular Right-of-Way |
| Water |
| Water / Pond |
| Agricultural Preserves (1 per 40) |
| Rural Agriculture Density (2U/A) |
| Large Lot Residential |
| Low - Single Family Residential |
| Low - Medium Density Residential |
| Urban Medium Density with Possible Mixed Use |
| Manufactured Home Park |
| Residential - High Density |
| Established Neighborhoods |
| Major Office |
| Commercial Business - Highway |
| Central Business |
| Buisness Park |
| Additional Future Study Area |
| Alternative Energy |
| Mining |
| Closed Landfill |
| Cemetery |
| Conservancy |
| City & County Parks |
| Golf Course |
| Light Rail Hiawatha Line |
| Limited Access Highway |
| Airport |
| Flood Plain |
| Open Water |
| No Code |